Jiyeon Kang Design
Engineering Page-thumbnail.jpg

Code animations & infographics


Data Engineering Workflow SVG/CSS Code Animation

Role: Visual Design, SVG/CSS code animation development

Designed and developed animated infographics for Engineering > Technology and Team page on Enigma.com homepage.

These infographics successfully drew engineers’ attentions and we heard a lot of positive feedback from engineering candidates.

Role: Visual Design, SVG/CSS code animation development

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This animation conveys the idea of our Engineering “Team” culture which is agile and collaborative.

I was inspired by the concept of “Cellular Automata” and “Swarm Intelligence”. which represents the spirit of self-organized, agile work culture where each individuals are proactively collaborating, forming different squads within the engineering team. The circles, dots and squares represent people as well as data in an abstract way.

The SVG animation sequence shows how people come together to collaborate and go out to the industry to work with clients.

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Enigma Attributes Catalog Animation

Role: SVG/CSS code animation development

Enigma Pricing Page Animation

Role: Visual Design, SVG/CSS code animation development

Enigma Pre-fill UI CSS Animation

Role: SVG/CSS code animation development

BrightHire Landing Page CSS Animation

Role: SVG/CSS code animation development


404 Page Animation for Enigma Public

Role: Visual Design, SVG/CSS code animation development

For Enigma Public data platform.